Friday, June 3, 2011

WTF Peppers and Tomatoes?!

Despite receiving TLC since I started them indoors way back in February, most of my tomato and pepper seedlings have completely failed me this year.

I started entire packets of pepperoncini, super thai, and jalapeno peppers and now, in June, am left with a few measly seedlings that seem to have hit a growth plateau.  I am afraid to even attempt transplanting these tiny guys into the garden because I know they will fry right up.

As far as tomatoes go, I started entire packets of Aunt Ruby's German greens, mortgage lifters, and yellow currants back in February as well.  I am currently left with only five mortgage lifter plants (below) which have yet to reach a decent size.  They are about five inches tall and adding compost hasn't even seemed to encourage them to grow.  All of the Aunt Ruby's and yellow currant seedlings are tragically deceased.

Even this shriveled up volunteer tomato plant I found popping out of the side of my compost bin didn't survive the move into the ground despite being huge and hardy in its original location.  Several other volunteers I discovered in various random spots in the garden sadly died soon after I moved them into the row reserved for tomatoes.

I'm not sure what is causing this.  It might be the early onset of heat we're having this year down south.  A few friends have told me they've also had trouble with tomato and pepper seeds this year, so it could also be related to crop damage or issues with the plants from last year.  I am so diligent about watering and taking care of seedlings and the garden that it is quite discouraging when things like this happen.  

I guess I'll be hitting up the greenery shed tomorrow at the Yorkmont Farmers Market to see what kinds of plants I can find to replace my shattered dreams.

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