Monday, May 30, 2011

Controlling the Weeds

Taking care of what you're growing is the fun and rewarding part of having a garden, but unwelcome weeds can quickly become overwhelming and cut into the time you have to do the fun stuff.  Here are a couple of tips on how to keep weeds under control so you can focus on your veggies.

Grass clippings are great way to smother any weeds that may want to pop up in your garden.  The most important thing to consider is whether you have treated your lawn with any kind of chemicals or fertilizers.  If so, you'll unfortunately have to skip this idea.  Even if you're not trying to stay organic, the harsh chemicals many people use on their lawns will kill just about anything except grass and could potentially harm your vegetable plants. 

If your lawn is chemical free, putting grass clippings down between your rows can lock in heat and kill any weeds that may be trying to invade.  As veggie plants grow larger, you can also start to place clippings around the base of the plants to keep weeds down.  Continue to add clippings each time you mow until a nice cover forms over your garden's walkways and beneath your plants.

Spraying is another easy way to manage weeds.  There are a lot of nasty chemical weed killers on the market, but you can make your own non-toxic version with the household items and directions below.  

Vinegar Weed Killer:

1. Fill spray bottle almost to the top with distilled white vinegar.
2. Add three generous squirts (not drops) of dish soap.
3. Add two tablespoons of canola or other cooking oil.
4. Secure the lid and shake. 

Spray this directly onto weeds you want to kill on a hot sunny day.  This mixture won't work very well on overcast days.  The soap and oil help coat the weeds and the vinegar works with the sun to burn up the plant.  You can reapply as needed, just be sure to safeguard your vegetable plants from any of this spray as it will burn anything it comes in contact with. Spray again after any rainfall or after watering.   

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