Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Purchased Plants and Progress

After my last post, I swallowed my seed starting gardening nerd pride and headed to the greenery shed during my weekly farmers market trip to see what kind of tomato and pepper plants were available.

Any feelings of defeat I had immediately disappeared when I met The Tomato Lady, a local who organically cultivates 21 varieties of heirloom tomatoes in her backyard and offers her beautiful plants for sale at the Yorkmont Farmers Market (I know, I feel like a broken record, but it IS the best farmers market).

I bought four varieties: Lime Green Salad, Green Zebra, Paul Robeson, and Tzi Bi U (Violet Jasper).  The Tomato Lady was really knowledgeable about which ones would be good for salsas, pickling, or salads, and helped me narrow down what to finally purchase.  It's a good thing, because I could have gone home with one of each type she had for sale!

I also picked up some pepper plants: jalapeno, hot banana, green bell, thai chili and a basil plant to replace my seedlings that either died or stopped growing.

Below are some pictures of how things are going in the garden right now.  It's a good thing the school year has ended because I feel an overwhelming flood of produce coming on.


 Tall Telephone Peas and Speckled Calico Lima Beans

 Lolita Zucchini

 Horn of Plenty Yellow Crookneck Squash

 Bright Lights Swiss Chard

 Red Burgundy Okra

 Clemson Okra

 Early Wonder Beets

 Jalapeno Pepper

 Hot Banana Pepper

 Thai Chili

 Paul Robeson and Tzi Bi U Tomatoes

 Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes 


Lime Green Salad and Green Zebra (in the background) Tomatoes

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